8 Holistic Habits For a Healthier 2023
Jan 12, 2023
Discover my favorite lifestyle tips I have tested the past year and currently use. All of the products mentioned have been researched and bought independently, and I am not endorsed or paid to promote them.
Please enjoy the top wellness hacks that have helped me the most!
1. Drink warm lemon water in the morning first thing after waking up.
This simple, yet effective combination boots your immune system, balances your body’s pH, and also assists with digestion. Get in a habit of doing this before caffeinating so that your body can fully clear out any toxins from your sleep cycle.
2. Do you love coffee but not a fan of the crash?
Consider replacing it with something that helps your body more. Although I do love the taste of an occasional cappuccino, my favorite go-to daily ritual is drinking Mudwater in the morning. Their Masala Chai blend has Lion’s Mane mushrooms, adaptogens, and other superfoods that actually give you sustainable energy without getting the jitters after. Also loaded with cacao, it’s like starting each day with your own personal heart-opening cacao ceremony! I always feel better throughout the day when I choose MUD\WTR over coffee, and this is an excellent choice for those who have a caffeine sensitivity.
3. Spend some quality time in a sauna!
Steam rooms and saunas help remove toxins and reduce stress to make you feel rejuvenated. They also improve circulation that will help clear skin impurities and be an effective treatment for acne and eczema. This is no longer an option reserved for the ultra rich, as affordable in-home solutions are now available. I own the SereneLife Full Size Portable Steam Sauna from Amazon and use it every time before I wash my hair.
4. Healthy hair and skin starts with clean water.
One day, I would love to live in a place with a whole house water filtration system. But until then, a great option is adding a water filter to your shower head so that you are not absorbing the chlorine and other contaminates from old pipes in apartments. My hair stylist recommended that I do this to keep my blond from turning brassy, but it is also an excellent solution to combat shedding and is much better for your skin. I went for the affordable AquaBliss option on Amazon, but there are plenty to choose from online.
5. Ready for a whole-body reset?
Do an organic juice cleanse at least once a year to have your body run on all cylinders again. Improve efficiency, and boost your immune system with a celery green juice blend, a carrot and orange juice blend and a beet and apple red juice blend. Do some research and make sure to select the ingredients that will work best for your system. Get some inspiration from my favorite juice shop, SALUD, here.
6. Team supplements for the win!
Do you take supplements? As a dedicated Wellness Formula fan since I was a child, this product is one I will always swear by when boosting my immune system. There have been many times everyone around me has been sick, and I have managed to stay well by the grace of this holy grail. But are you ready to take your supplement game to the next level? What if I told you there is a company that offers personalized supplements and probiotics based on the medical test results that you provide?
Yes, we live in the future, and that incredible scientific breakthrough of a brand is called VIOME. They will decode your biology by analyzing your gut, blood, and cellular efficiency with Full Body Intelligence Scores. What you get is a list of personalized food recommendations and curated capsules of nutrition that is formulated just for you and easy to integrate into your daily routine. I have been using VIOME since the beginning of 2019, and it has taken the guesswork out of what to buy at the vitamin store.
7. Say "hello" to red light.
Red light therapy is a new treatment that can improve the appearance of your skin, such as reducing redness, scars, acne, and wrinkles. It is also used in Equinox gyms to help reduce muscle pain after workouts. Very new to the market, red light is thought to work by fueling the mitochondria in cells of the body so that they can regenerate and heal faster. This is a topical treatment and only works exposed to bare skin. Be sure to wear sunglasses or other eye protection to damage your eyes because that light is super bright! I have been using red light therapy to treat my skin since 2018 and love the Vital Pro from Vital Red Light. Do your research, and be sure to purchase a medical-grade red light product from a reputable company.
8. Add Reiki energy healing to your self-care routine.
Seeing a Reiki Master once a month or even once a quarter can have a profound impact on your emotional and physical well-being. Reiki will assist you in releasing blocks, embracing personal breakthroughs, and getting the energy flowing again so you can return to a state of alignment. This Japanese energy healing modality has been proven to reduce stress, improve sleep quality and ease pain. It is used in hospitals across the United States to support health care treatments.
As a Usui Ryoho Reiki Master since 2019, I have assisted my clients with overcoming physical and emotional challenges, improve mindset, and gaining a new sense of self-worth. My Reiki sessions also include a personal sound bath and are unique because I use crystal singing bowls and other instruments to amplify the energy healing. Please get in touch with me at [email protected] if you would like to schedule an in-person or distance reiki appointment. Learn more about what Reiki can do for you here.
Please take what resonates, and start with the habit that excites you the most! These practices are an accumulation of years of research, so do not feel as though you need to add them all at once.
Grand Rising,
Tinsley Tarot